Atanu Dey on India’s Development

Rain is coming down

Close to the Worli Seaface

Close to the Worli Seaface in Mumbai around 10 am today. The rain has been coming down since midnight last night. The wind is pretty high, as you can see below.

Windy Morning in Mumbai

The high tide today was not as high as it was last Tuesday. The Haji Ali mosque seen from my friend’s 13th floor apartment.

Near the Haji Ali area of Mumbai

August 1, 2005 - Posted by | Mumbai

1 Comment

  1. Please try and update the running of railways in the suburbabs since it is pouring like crazy in Borivli, Dahisar all through the night and continous even now… All of us who have to go out for jobs are wondering what to do? sitting all dressed……….

    Comment by Shonali | September 12, 2005

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