Atanu Dey on India’s Development

It’s only an illusion

Via Myke, a very very cool illusion. You better not believe your eyes.

October 31, 2005 Posted by | Random Draws | 2 Comments

Happy Diwali

Diwali Greetings

Asato ma sat gamaya
Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
Mrityur ma amritam gamaya

Lead me from illusion to the Truth
Lead me from darkness to Light
Lead me from death to Immortality

from the Brihadaranya Upanishad.

October 31, 2005 Posted by | Events, Indian Festivals | 8 Comments

India Funding Pakistani Jihadi Groups

Money is fungible.

If I give money to my neighbor to help out with his grocery purchases, I may be acting out of good neighborly feelings. But what if he is an alcoholic? By giving him money, I could as well be funding his alcohol purchase. Even if I were to buy groceries and have them delivered to his home, I am again freeing up his own money for booze. Worse yet, what if my neighbor actually builds bombs in his basement which he frequently lobs over the fence and destroys parts of my house? Surely, giving him grocery money out of misplaced pity is the same as my paying him for his bombs which he uses against me.
Continue reading

October 31, 2005 Posted by | Alternative Viewpoint, Rants (Warning: May cause offense) | 30 Comments

Absolute corruption and absolute power

Just a few weeks ago, we learnt that the KGB poured cash into the pockets Indian communist leaders and handsomely bribed the leaders of the Congress Party which was then under the control of Indira Gandhi. This past week we learn from UN sponsored investigation that Natwar Singh and the same Congress Party led by Sonia Gandhi has been bribed rather handsomely by the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussain. Continue reading

October 31, 2005 Posted by | Corruption, Random Draws | 10 Comments