Atanu Dey on India’s Development

Happy Diwali

Diwali Greetings

Asato ma sat gamaya
Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
Mrityur ma amritam gamaya

Lead me from illusion to the Truth
Lead me from darkness to Light
Lead me from death to Immortality

from the Brihadaranya Upanishad.

October 31, 2005 - Posted by | Events, Indian Festivals


  1. Dear Atanu
    A very happy Diwali to you. Those lines you quoted are all too familiar. I only wish I could remember them more often as I navigate through this puzzle called life.

    Comment by deep | October 31, 2005

  2. Atanu,
    Happy Diwali.. to you. 🙂

    Comment by Shivani | November 1, 2005

  3. Happy Diwali and a Prosperous New Year to you too.

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    Comment by Vikram Asrani | November 1, 2005

  4. Hmm, that was supposed to be an ascii art version of Happy Diwali 🙂 but looks like the \ tags don’t work here.

    Comment by Vikram Asrani | November 1, 2005

  5. I just stumble across your site and found it very interesting!! Fabulous work..very inspiring and rejuvenating!!

    Comment by Gina Kale | November 5, 2005

  6. A very happy diwali and a prosperous new year to everyone!!

    Comment by Gina Kale | November 5, 2005

  7. The greatness of light over darkness The victory of good over evilAnd the nobility of friendship and brotherhood.

    These themes are remembered when we light oil lamps to celebrate the homecoming of Rama and Sita after killing Ravana, the demon king, with the support of Lakshman and Hanuman. When Lord Ram entered Ayodhya, every house was lit with diyas
    like that we have to come togetther and fight against those people who creat Nuisance in the society

    Comment by leena desai | October 15, 2006

  8. Hi

    Comment by Rajani. | October 20, 2006

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