Atanu Dey on India’s Development

Fragments – 4

Officials in Massachusetts are debating whether to become the first U.S. state to ban hospitals from handing out free samples of infant formula, provided by formula companies, to new mothers. (Reuters Feb 22, 2006)

Formula for Milking the Digital Divide

March 4, 2006 Posted by | Random Draws | Leave a comment

On the Handling of Books

From Keith Hudson to “Daily Wisdom” subscribers:

“As I promised myself last week, I am pensioning-off Milsted’s Dictionary of Regrettable Quotations and have bought myself the Oxford Dictionary of Humorous Quotations with a jester’s hat on the dustcover for Saturday’s random dip. The book is still so new and the binding so tight that the random page 121 (subject “Fashion”) threatens to snap shut like a mousetrap unless I place a Reebok trainer upon it to hold it open while I type from it. … ”

To: Keith Hudson


Thanks for the daily wisdom. You are really very wise and the way you express that wisdom is a joy to read.

One question connected with today’s words: did you actually use a shoe to keep the book open?


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March 4, 2006 Posted by | Alternative Viewpoint | 5 Comments

Writers’ Warning

The cartoon row has prompted a bunch of writers to issue a statement warning against Islamism, the new totalitarian threat, BBC reports. Three of the writers are from the Indian subcontinent; three are from Iran; three from France.

The full text of the statement follows.
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March 4, 2006 Posted by | Conflict | 2 Comments