Atanu Dey on India’s Development


Hola! from Mexico City. I arrived here last evening.

Apologies for not keeping in touch. Having too much fun in Mexico City visiting the Instituto Thomas Jefferson:

Based on the principles of self esteem, respect, and academic excellence, our mission is to develop educated leaders for the 21st Century who can compete, succeed, and be role models in this high tech world while maintaining a commitment to family and moral values.

The Thomas Jefferson Institute is located in the northwestern part of Mexico City in the State of Mexico. The school has a total population of 1,850 students, 130 teachers and 70 administrative staff members. The Thomas Jefferson Institute has developed into one of the most prestigious schools in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area.

I am visiting as the guests of the founders of the school, Jeanene Bluhm Bruns and Ricardo Carvajal. Ricardo spent the last four hours telling about the school and the vision which motivates it, and then we went on a grand tour of the facilities. Accompanying us were two beautiful ladies — Mariana and Ivana. Mariana is Project Leader and Ivana heads Educational Research and Development.

We visited classrooms and labs. I got a chance to talk to the kids. They were friendly and very self-confident. Naturally, I took lots of pictures (which I will put up on a Flickr album soon.) Over the years, I have visited a lot of schools. I have to admit that this has been one of the very best. Being here I feel envious of the kids that they get to attend this amazing school.

For now, this is just a brief note to say that I am alive and well, and that I will be logging in later to give you the news in detail.

October 5, 2006 - Posted by | Travelling Places


  1. can you please elaborate on the school? As the motto quote doesn’t differentiate it much from the run of the mill upper middle class schools it India. Would like to know why it impressed you.

    Comment by dodo | October 5, 2006

  2. Hello Atanu,

    I hope you write an online paper, documenting all your thoughts and ideas gleaned from your travels and work experience. It would be very informative for those who are interested in Education and Literacy.

    I do not know whether you know about it or not, so I am sending this google link which would be of interest to you.

    Best Regards.

    Comment by Pankaj | October 5, 2006

  3. Hi Atanu,
    It was nice meeting you!
    Tks. for your nice comments and you are welcome to come back when you decide to.
    Best Regards,

    Comment by Mariana | October 8, 2006

  4. […] structive. I got to meet wonderful people. Mariana and Ivana (whom I have mentioned before here) were great. So was Carlos who drove me around in the notorious Mexico City traffic. I had a short vi […]

    Pingback by Atanu Dey on India’s Development » Instituto Thomas Jefferson | December 5, 2006

  5. hi dear atanu. we are in london and remember old but close friends who we had not hear for a long time. what is going in your life.we hope you can keep us uptodate about your life .regards ricardo and jeanene

    Comment by ricardo carvajal | July 18, 2007

  6. hi dear atanu. we are in london and remember old but close friends who we had not hear for a long time. what is going in your life.we hope you can keep us uptodate about your life .regards ricardo and jeanene

    Comment by ricardo carvajal | July 18, 2007

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