Atanu Dey on India’s Development

Numerology Question

I need help with replying to this email which has been sitting in my inbox for a while. Every time I open it with intentions of replying, words fail me. Any suggestions from the gallery on what the appropriate response should be?


I read your article on name change and I found it fascinating. Do you have a numerologist you could recommend? I’ve just written my first novel and I need to choose between my name and married name. Thanks so much.

All the best,
Novel Writer

Thank you kindly for any help.

February 4, 2007 - Posted by | The Dismal Failure of our Education System


  1. May be you should put him on to Vijaay’s dad!

    Comment by Ramnath | February 4, 2007

  2. Dear Sir,
    please add the following combination of letter and numbers, in the specific sequence that I specify:


    Thank you for you time.

    Comment by Phoenix | February 4, 2007

  3. Ooh, I could be a numerologist. I could recommend a dozen names for your novelist friend, unfortunately none of them printable.

    Hint: one of them rhymes with ‘clucking boron’ (with apologies to Blackadder).

    Comment by Nath | February 4, 2007

  4. Atanu, there is one awesomely potent name you can suggest that would permanently put an end to such queries- SATURN!

    Comment by Rajalakshmi | February 4, 2007

  5. I think that numerology is the perfect business to be in. it is even better than astrology or palmistry.

    In astrology, a person has to make predictions about the future and there is always a chance that the prediction will come wrong and people will ask uncomfortable questions. (although there are methods to avoid them too)

    In numerology, you ask a person to change his name. If he accepts, he will never question it. He will always try to justify it. This is because in his mind, he wants it to work. He can’t very well change the name back, can he?

    Comment by rishi | February 5, 2007

  6. Not all requests have to be rational. However crappy one’s opinion of suchlike may be, they serve a role in society. As long as the namer and the namee are happy with the transaction, why not ? From the mail,it appears that all the lady wants is to choose between her maiden and married name based on a numerical hash of the character sequence. Surely it is harmless if nothing else…

    Comment by shiv | February 5, 2007

  7. Do you know what’s disheartening? Such lack of logic is not rare. We (the people who post comments on your little blog) are representative of an inconspicuous speck of light admidst all the darkness.
    We are insects (fireflys :)) on THEIR planet!
    What’s worse….its not that they don’t think. They do think. But their thought process is so warped that it seems perfectly logical to them. Ekta Kapoor is educated, affluent and a successful business woman but ask her of the miracles of begining with the letter ‘K’ and you’ll know what i mean 🙂

    What do we do?

    Comment by Pooja Nair | February 8, 2007

  8. I am not getting success in my carrer. I am also not doing well in my carrer exams. Please suggest me is there any change to be done in my name.
    Thank you.

    Comment by Suhas Mukund Mhatre | September 8, 2007

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