Atanu Dey on India’s Development

The Monk and the Philosopher

All the successful techniques for manipulating matter originated mainly in the West but the greater achievement of manipulating the mind – I am justifiably proud to claim – originated in India. In my opinion, the mind has precedence over matter. For the moment I will sidestep the other matter that it is a mistake to make a distinction between mind and matter – there isn’t in my opinion. But for the moment, I will treat them as being different as most people do.
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June 1, 2007 Posted by | Buddhism, Podcasts, Speeches and Stuff | 7 Comments

Bihar — Part 2

The more I see of the world, the more convinced I become of two generalizations I have constructed. Generalization #1: different parts of the world display different levels of economic prosperity and development, and with time the differences accumulate thus increasing regional disparities. Generalization #2: basically all humans are the same, and at their core they all have the same innate human abilities, desires and drives. The first generalization in light of the second begs the question: what accounts for the varying degrees of success of various peoples? Why are certain aggregations of people successful while others not?
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June 1, 2007 Posted by | Development | 19 Comments

Pragati — June Issue

Here’s the lastest issue of Pragati. Go get it by clicking on the image below.

Pragati June Cover


PERSPECTIVE: Soft power, hard reality, Channel !ndia, The Indian corporate century, Climate change & international security

FILTER: On India-US relations; India’s consumer market; The Doha round and free trade in services; Productivity miracle; and Climate change and the Indian farmer

IN DEPTH: Leveraging Remittances

ROUNDUP: Microfinance: Charting new territory; Globalisation: Readying for the next round

BOOKS: In extenso: Six great revolutions; Review: PLU engaged in WMD

June 1, 2007 Posted by | Public Service Announcement | Leave a comment