Atanu Dey on India’s Development

Sonia Sarkar on Reservations for Christians

St Stephen’s to have 50% Christian quota” says Sonia Sarkar. (How unfortunate is it to have a name like that and to have to report on an issue of reservations for Christians?)

I don’t know but I hope and pray (to use an expression) that St Stephen’s is not supported by any public funds.

Anyhow, here’s a nice illustration of innumeracy to add a bit of humor to an otherwise pathetic story:

The management wants 50 per cent reservation for Christians, another 30 per cent for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates. So that would leave 30 per cent for general category students.

PS: For the benefit of those who did not get the “Sonia Sarkar” joke, “sarkar” means “government” in many Indian languages.

June 10, 2008 - Posted by | Essentially Stupid


  1. lol !!

    Comment by kaunteya | June 10, 2008

  2. I support 100% reservation for st stephen and doon school, IIT and ANY SCHOLARSHIP funded by government OUTSIDE INDIA.

    Comment by Notsure | June 10, 2008

  3. Dear Atanu,
    It is supported by public funds (UGC). Pl. see

    In India, any religion with over 5% population should be treated as Majority.

    Comment by Sundar | June 10, 2008

  4. Dear Atanu,

    This college is supported by UGC. Also Pl. read.

    Any religion having over 5% representation in population should not be allowed to be called minority.

    In the name of Minority, many educational institutions arer doing flourishing business.
    Kerala has 20% Christians and 25% Muslims, but are still called minorities and given all privileges. This even irked AK Antony (former CM of Kerala and present defense minister)

    Comment by Sundar | June 10, 2008

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