Atanu Dey on India’s Development

Tata Indicom Sucks

It’s about half past midnight and I am writing this offline. I just got off the phone with Tata Indicom customer service. I was on the phone for half an hour. At midnight, Tata Indicom terminated my internet connection. I had renewed my subscription three days ago and yet the connection was terminated at midnight. I spent the last half hour on the phone arguing with their customer service people. The facts are clear and agreed to by Tata Indicom. They did receive payment for the renewal of the service three days ago. Yet they terminated my connection.

I called billing and they said it was a technical problem. I called technical support and they said it was a billing problem. I called back billing and they said that they will look into the matter and resolve it in 24 hours. Will there be any compensation for the half hour of my time that I spent in talking to them, for the cost of my phone call to their customer service, for the disruption of my work? No.

This is a public service announcement. If you can avoid it, don’t give business to such a third-rate company such as Tata Indicom. I don’t have a choice because Tata Indicom is the only service provider where I live. This is what you get when you live in a socialist economy.

And this is a public message to Mr Ratan Tata: Tata Indicom is a third-rate company and you should be ashamed of the disastrously poor quality of service. I realize that Tata Indicom is another name for VSNL, a public sector corporation. Calling it Tata Indicom does not illuminate the Tata name. Please, if you have any regard for the name, get your act together and have someone provide some service. Else, get out of the business of ISP. Your ancestors must be spinning in their graves. To put it very mildly, Tata Indicom sucks chrome off the bumpers of trucks parked 400 yards away.

This message will be posted whenever the service — that I paid for but is not delivered — is resumed.

June 19, 2008 - Posted by | Public Service Announcement


  1. I couldn’t agree more.

    Guess what – 24 hours is 24 business hours so it could take a minimum of 3 days to get the problem resolved, if at all, and they don’t work on Saturdays or Sundays.

    When I wanted to get my connection transferred due to a residence move, they said it will take 45 days!, but said it would take 2 days to get a brand new connection at my new location. This was for a prepaid connection, so the money was already in their pocket.

    Also, I still get a reminder a day (a combination of call center folks calling me as well as automated inbound calls) to remind me to renew my service that I had given up on about 90 days ago.

    Really sad service and a very unreliable connection. A tarnish on the Tata name.

    Comment by lurker | June 19, 2008

  2. So who are the good guys ? I would like to know since I am coming back to India next month and will be looking for a reliable ISP.

    Comment by lurker | June 19, 2008

  3. Atanu:

    I do not doubt that Tata Indicom customer service sucks, but it hardly looks like a problem of socialist economy. At least you were able to speak to a live customer rep!

    Here in Virginia I have choice of two providers: Comcast and Verizon. However, I will consider it an achievment if in 30 minutes I can just reach a live person. I would rate it as super premium customer service if I am able to speak a live person in two departments in the same call.

    Comment by lurker | June 20, 2008

  4. I tried Sify broadband,, 4 out of 7 days they are down!! most pathetic of all providers,,
    then airtel,, which was good but then I moved to place where only Tata indicom was providing service. Although my experience with Tata indicom was better compated to Sify, I faced same 24 hours problem like every month. Finally I decided to keep their local engineer happy,, made friends with him,,, gave carrot of getting him job in IT company,,, gave him tip,,, and it really delivered. I just had to make him a call and he will sort out any problem in 1 hour. Even if my connection was not recharged, he didnt mind sharing user and password of some other customer. So manage the nearest person and avoid calling call center they are of no use.

    Comment by lurker | June 20, 2008

  5. Atanu, are we having a bad time or what? First Firefox and now this. Hope your connectivity/web problems are at an end soon.

    P.S. – Airtel provides pretty good service – atleast here in Gurgaon. Beware of BSNL.

    Comment by parijatgarg | June 20, 2008

  6. Atanu, Tata is not what it used to be , tata name was built when tata was relatively small and they could control quality themselves parsees are very quality conscious, now they have to depend on others for quality.In an effort to keep up with other business group tata is on a buying spree hence dilution of famed tata brand

    Comment by pankaj | June 20, 2008

  7. So far in Mumbai, I have tried MTNL, Tata Indicom, Exattnet( that is what the cable service providers give) and Reliance WiMax. Reliance WiMax has been the best so far ..but that is not without problem. You can’t pay your internet bill online and bill does not reach your home regularly. I have been promised several times that I will get my bill through email, but that never happened .

    But even with all these, the service is better than the rest.


    Comment by lurker | June 20, 2008

  8. Dear Atanu,

    Customer service sucks in India in most of the services, be it banking or credit card or insurance or telecom.
    Also there is no uniform exerience within a company. One department will be extremely efficient and another department will behave so stupid (i used to wonder whether they live in 1980s). Also the kind of IDs they provide (cust ID, service ID, order id….. and we have to remember everything) one needs super memory to remember everything or a notepad while calling call centre.
    Blame game will go on from department to department and it finally gets resolved after a couple of calls.

    My own way of handling (especially in critical services is:
    a) Have a plan B
    b) Seek help from call centre supervisor / manager if the agent does not resolve and mild threat also works.

    Comment by Sundar | June 22, 2008

  9. […] “Tata Indicom sucks,” says Atanu Dey. As an aggrieved customer, I concur. […]

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