Atanu Dey on India’s Development

Israel signals to Iran

BBC reports that Israel conducted an exercise that amounts to a rehearsal for an attack on Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities. It is a strong signal — to all including the US, Europe, and Iran — that it is serious about halting Iran’s nuclear bomb-making ambitions. Good for Israel and good for the world.

All this goes to show that entertaining the idea of building a gas pipeline from Iran to India — via Pakistan, of all places — at the cost of a few billion dollars was silly beyond belief. The Iran-India Pipe Bomb is guaranteed to blow up in India’s face if India makes the mistake of making deals with nations led by lunatics like Ahmedinejad.

Money quote from Thug-in-chief Ahmedinejad:

“We must believe in the fact that Islam is not confined to geographical borders, ethnic groups and nations. It’s a universal ideology that leads the world to justice. We don’t shy away from declaring that Islam is ready to rule the world. We must prepare ourselves to rule the world.” [January, 2006]

Dream on, Mr Ahmedinejad, dream on. The Israelis will wake you up soon.

June 20, 2008 Posted by | Conflict | 3 Comments

Isn’t it good Norwegians would

An electric car is what we chiefly need. So someone has to do the hard work and develop it. Glad that the Norwegians would. [1].

A story in Business Week talks about an innovative Norwegian company, Think Global, that is producing electric cars that make sense: Continue reading

June 20, 2008 Posted by | Random Draws | 6 Comments