Atanu Dey on India’s Development

Paging Dr “BT” Singh

“Paging Dr Singh, paging Dr Singh. Dr Singh, please pick up the house telephone. Mr M J Akbar has an urgent message to deliver regarding the health of the Mango Man.”

Sorry, Dr Singh is busy driving a taxi.

What the hell is that supposed to mean, “driving a taxi”?

You know, busy doing other things. And besides he is not that type of doctor, the type you call in hospitals.

So what exactly is he doing. I demand to know. I don’t know why he should be driving a taxi.

Perhaps I should use a Hindi expression. “Sir-ji roti bel rahen hai

This is bloody ridiculous. Why is Dr “BT” Singh roti-bailing? Is he in the kitchen?

No. He’s in the kitchen cabinet. It’s an Eye-tay-leean kitchen. He is the “commie” chef. The chef is Eye-tay-leean. So now you know that paging Dr “BT” Singh is pointless. Mango Man should go fug himself. After all, it was Mango Man who ordered the Eye-tay-leean dish. Now he has to eat it.
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August 4, 2008 Posted by | Islamic Terrorism--Jihad | 1 Comment

Profiting from Education

My contribution to the August issue of Pragati. I am reproducing the piece here below the fold, for the record. Regulars to this blog pretty much know my position on what needs to be done on education. Still you may find something of use.
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August 4, 2008 Posted by | Education, My writing elsewhere | Leave a comment

Pragati Aug 2008: Should India Send Troops to Afghanistan

Issue 17 - Aug 2008
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August 4, 2008 Posted by | My writing elsewhere, Public Service Announcement | 1 Comment