Atanu Dey on India’s Development

Stopping terrorism by securing WiFi

Well, now we can be assured of our security and safety from Islamic terrorism. TRAI — the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India — is taking steps to combat terrorism by securing WiFi networks.

With terrorists using unsecured wireless fidelity (WiFi) networks to shoot off emails every time they carry out bomb blasts, TRAI is examining a series of measures to have security processes in place to protect such networks. [Source]

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September 18, 2008 Posted by | Essentially Stupid, Islamic Terrorism--Jihad, Ruled by Monkeys | 2 Comments

The Fabulous $10 Indian Government Laptop

“Everything reminds Milton of the money supply. Well, everything reminds me of sex, but I keep it out of the paper,” wrote Nobel prize-winning economist Robert Solow in 1966 about Milton Friedman, another Nobel laureate economist, the father of monetarism. 🙂

Everything reminds me of India’s failed education system — and by extension — the stupidity of the government policymakers, bureaucrats and politicians included. Unlike Bob Solow, however, I cannot keep it out of my posts.
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July 30, 2008 Posted by | Economics, Essentially Stupid, Information and Communications Technology | 2 Comments

Blaming the victims

The news of death and destruction from terrorism has become somewhat of a routine. The politicians make inane statements about how all this is most lamentable and aside from telling people to “maintain peace and quiet” they appear to go about their business as usual. The reactions from various quarters are predictable from past experience. One reaction which fills me with revulsion and disgust is the type that emanates from idiot pseudo-secularist commies. One such ended up in my mailbox just minutes ago. One Jaya Kamlani contributed this to a mailing list:
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July 28, 2008 Posted by | Essentially Stupid, Islamic Terrorism--Jihad | 4 Comments

Sonia Sarkar on Reservations for Christians

St Stephen’s to have 50% Christian quota” says Sonia Sarkar. (How unfortunate is it to have a name like that and to have to report on an issue of reservations for Christians?)

I don’t know but I hope and pray (to use an expression) that St Stephen’s is not supported by any public funds.

Anyhow, here’s a nice illustration of innumeracy to add a bit of humor to an otherwise pathetic story:

The management wants 50 per cent reservation for Christians, another 30 per cent for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates. So that would leave 30 per cent for general category students.

PS: For the benefit of those who did not get the “Sonia Sarkar” joke, “sarkar” means “government” in many Indian languages.

June 10, 2008 Posted by | Essentially Stupid | 4 Comments

The Fuel Subsidy Cess

Finance minister P Chidambaram and petroleum minister Murli Deora are considering an additional tax to pay for the government subsidy of petrol and diesel, according to the Financial Express of 27th May. “Each percentage rise in the income and corporate tax rates would yield around Rs 3,500 crore, so a 3-5% cess would yield anywhere between Rs 10,500 crore and Rs 17,500 crore.”

The Acorn recommends “that taxpayers line up in large numbers and vote against the simians making economic policy.” I concur. I have always maintained that India is ruled by monkeys.
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June 1, 2008 Posted by | Essentially Stupid, Ruled by Monkeys | 2 Comments

The Institute for Indian Technology in Bombay

Over the last weekend I spent a little time at the IIT Bombay, the alma mater of many a successful and celebrated Indian, resident as well as non-resident. IIT — the Indian Institutes of Technology. Sometimes called the Institutes of Indian Technology.

I had gone there to sit on a panel which was deliberating such weighty matters as policy for encouraging open source in education. I had little to add to it but still I was given a nice desk weather station (has a hygrometer and thermometer in addition to the clock). Neat little gizmo, made in China, of course. Continue reading

February 16, 2005 Posted by | Essentially Stupid, IIT | 4 Comments


This one is to be filed under “INDIA IS A SUPERPOWER” category.

The newsletter from US-India Political Action Committee (USINPAC) contained this:

We need support and financial contribution from at least 50,000 Indian Americans by March 2004 to persuade the US government to support India in its fight against HIV/AIDS. The US government has already funded 14 nations in curbing the HIV/AIDS menace. With your support, India can become the 15th country to receive the much-needed US funds for fighting the epidemic.

Begging bowl all shiny and ready, I suppose. What the heck is wrong with these people? Do they have no shame? Begging for their living? Because I don’t doubt that they fly first class from one end of the country to the other shiny begging bowl in hand.
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March 13, 2004 Posted by | Alternative Viewpoint, Essentially Stupid | 2 Comments