Atanu Dey on India’s Development

Form is Emptiness

Buddha Purnima

You have to agree that Siddhartha Gautama had great timing. His birth was during the full moon in the month of May. He attained enlightenment and became a buddha some years later on a full moon in the month of May. And to round it all off, he attained parinirvana (died) during a full moon of May when he was old.

The full moon is so bright outside my bedroom window this morning that it woke me up at 4 AM. It being the 2nd of May, this month we will have “a blue moon” – a second full moon in the same month. Two “purnima’s,” as a full moon is called in Sanskrit (and many of its daughter languages.) This purnima is called the Buddha Purnima.
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May 2, 2007 Posted by | Buddhism, Gautam Buddha | 4 Comments

On the Birth Anniversary of the Buddha

Yesterday was the anniversary of the birth of one whose concern was with enlightenment and awakening. I wrote a small piece on my personal weblog at UC Berkeley to mark that occassion.

May 5, 2004 Posted by | Gautam Buddha | 8 Comments