Atanu Dey on India’s Development

Stupidity Revisited

It’s been a while since this blog has visited Bush, the POTUS. Here’s Bill Maher psychologically analysing Bush at It is hard to comprehend the mentality of a population which voted for a stupid person like Bush not once but twice. Words defy me. Oh that reminds me, here’s a google video titled Words Defy Me by the incomparable Jon Stewart.

And talking of stupid people and their stupidity, read the Story of Stupidity at whereelse but To get a quick feel for the book, I would recommend you read the last chapter, the Age of Arrogance. For the record, I quote the epilogue of the book here.
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May 8, 2007 Posted by | George W Bush | 3 Comments

The Theatre of the Absurd

As you may have heard, George W Bush is in India briefly and will be in Pakistan as well. I am sure that there is much rejoicing going all around among the movers and shakers in India about how wonderful the visit by an American president is. Lavish dinners and a lot of hoopla can be distracting. Who cares who the person is. We are really interested in what is in it for us. (The “us” is not people of India at large but the movers and shakers.)
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March 3, 2006 Posted by | George W Bush | 2 Comments

Bush and Indian Journalists: Evenly Matched

The most powerful man in the world is an average moron. Considering that average Americans voted him into office — not once but twice — tells you that the average American is a moron. So how does the US economy do so well if the majority are stupid, you may wonder. They do so well because the minority are so bloody bright that they create stuff of such great value that in the aggregate, despite the stupidity of the majority, it is positive.
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February 26, 2006 Posted by | Democracy, George W Bush | 25 Comments

Of Sly Mendacious Vindictive Idiots and Ignorant Gullible Myopic Retards

I did not bother to vote in the US Presidential elections this time even though I did receive my absentee ballot. I am registered in California which is guaranteed to not go to Bush. My anti-Bush vote would not matter, therefore. And I am not sufficiently interested in the local issues to cast a vote either way. So I decided that it is not worth the bother of mailing in my vote.
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October 30, 2004 Posted by | George W Bush | 2 Comments